Sunday, August 23, 2009
Anna playing at Teen Talk
She played during lunch, hence the noise. Please excuse the roving camera too.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Here's Emily's letter...
Dear Adalyn,
My name is Elizabeth and I have been watching you for the past few months. Please don’t mistake me for a stalker though, because I’m not. I am just a simple bystander, observing the struggles of your generation (mostly the struggles of girls, since I too am a girl and know the emotions and struggles that you hide all to well).
From watching you I have noticed that you struggle with self-image more than anything, as do most teenage girls. You want so badly to look like the models on the covers of magazines, airbrushed and digitally beautified. But Adalyn, not even those models really look like that!
I know that you have heard the saying “beauty is only skin deep”, and for some that is sadly true. Some girls have “the look” and some have a body to die for, but all of those things are petty in comparison to what’s on the inside. But you, you don’t have to worry about your beauty being only skin deep. You have a beautiful face, a warm smile, and a great figure, but pushing physical beauty aside, you still will have a beautiful heart. You are honest and caring, not to mention modest.
What I’m really trying to say is that you have what so many girls really want, a genuine, God given beauty, that wasn’t produced by man made products.
“You were made with such care. Your skin, your body, and your hair are perfect just the way they are. There could never be a more beautiful you. Don’t buy the lies, disguises, and hoops they make you jump through. You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do. So there could never be a more beautiful you”
God made you in his own image, Adalyn, and in His eyes there are none more beautiful than you. If you haven’t gotten anything else from this letter please just know that God loves you no matter what you look like, and to Him everything about you is beautiful!
My name is Elizabeth and I have been watching you for the past few months. Please don’t mistake me for a stalker though, because I’m not. I am just a simple bystander, observing the struggles of your generation (mostly the struggles of girls, since I too am a girl and know the emotions and struggles that you hide all to well).
From watching you I have noticed that you struggle with self-image more than anything, as do most teenage girls. You want so badly to look like the models on the covers of magazines, airbrushed and digitally beautified. But Adalyn, not even those models really look like that!
I know that you have heard the saying “beauty is only skin deep”, and for some that is sadly true. Some girls have “the look” and some have a body to die for, but all of those things are petty in comparison to what’s on the inside. But you, you don’t have to worry about your beauty being only skin deep. You have a beautiful face, a warm smile, and a great figure, but pushing physical beauty aside, you still will have a beautiful heart. You are honest and caring, not to mention modest.
What I’m really trying to say is that you have what so many girls really want, a genuine, God given beauty, that wasn’t produced by man made products.
“You were made with such care. Your skin, your body, and your hair are perfect just the way they are. There could never be a more beautiful you. Don’t buy the lies, disguises, and hoops they make you jump through. You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do. So there could never be a more beautiful you”
God made you in his own image, Adalyn, and in His eyes there are none more beautiful than you. If you haven’t gotten anything else from this letter please just know that God loves you no matter what you look like, and to Him everything about you is beautiful!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Dear Dunkin,
There is something I must speak with you about. First you may want to know who and what I am. My name is Bruce. I am your protector. Whenever you are in danger you can feel my presence. Just know that I am with you always. I know this makes you feel a little strange, but I am here to keep you safe. I was your friend the day you had the big Math test. I was the stupid cashier that delayed you, and kept you from being involved in the 15 car pileup. I am the one that gently whispers to you when something isn't just quite right. I am here for you always. You might not think I am, but I am. Now, I am here for a special mission to help you. This is the reason I must speak to you now. I know you are frightened of many things that prevent you from fully living your life. Let me remind you of the quote by Dorothy Thomas "Only when you are no longer afraid do you begin to live." Just remember you are only on earth for a short period of time. You should make the most of it and live to your fullest desires. I feel the fear inside of you, but fear is only as deep as your mind lets it be. Never forget I am here even when you do not realize it is me, YOUR PROTECTOR. I hope this advice will help you conquer your fear.
Until we meet again,
There is something I must speak with you about. First you may want to know who and what I am. My name is Bruce. I am your protector. Whenever you are in danger you can feel my presence. Just know that I am with you always. I know this makes you feel a little strange, but I am here to keep you safe. I was your friend the day you had the big Math test. I was the stupid cashier that delayed you, and kept you from being involved in the 15 car pileup. I am the one that gently whispers to you when something isn't just quite right. I am here for you always. You might not think I am, but I am. Now, I am here for a special mission to help you. This is the reason I must speak to you now. I know you are frightened of many things that prevent you from fully living your life. Let me remind you of the quote by Dorothy Thomas "Only when you are no longer afraid do you begin to live." Just remember you are only on earth for a short period of time. You should make the most of it and live to your fullest desires. I feel the fear inside of you, but fear is only as deep as your mind lets it be. Never forget I am here even when you do not realize it is me, YOUR PROTECTOR. I hope this advice will help you conquer your fear.
Until we meet again,
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Jenny's Guardian Angel, Edward (by Glennellen)
Dearest Jenny,
My name is Edward, and I am your guardian angel. I know you do not always feel me near, much less know that I even exist. But I am forever watching over you and protecting you. The Lord, Our Father Above, assigned me this responsibility the day He brought you into the wonderful world that He created. And I might add, that I have enjoyed every single moment of the task. To watch you grow, and see you develop into a young lady of such beauty…
Beauty. That brings me to the whole point of this letter of which I am concerned. I have noticed that since the coming of your new beau, you have been so preoccupied with your looks. Such as if your hair is curling right, or if you are wearing something flattering enough. The point is, you have been worrying yourself with your outer appearance just for his sake. You have never given much thought to this before, and that made you shine brighter than anyone. So for you to suddenly let a boy cause you to pay attention to these details at such great length has caused me such dismay.
Let me advise you about beauty, and what it truly is. Today, so many women and young ladies mistake beauty for glamour. This saddens me so, and they do it for a boy or a man’s interest most of the time. That is not what beauty is at all. I want to help you before you become part of this misconception.
Have you ever heard of the quote, “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart,” by Kahlil Gibran? ’Tis such a profound quote, but most ladies do not ever grasp the full meaning of it. I know that you, on the other hand, can comprehend the meaning. Let me tell you something else important, dear one. Looks fade…they do not last forever. But what you are on the inside remains a part of you till the end of your life. You have always been so caring, and thoughtful to others. You’ve always been a kindred spirit, maintaining your purity and dignity. You also know that if a boy does not like you for who you are, not to bother with a connection. So why change that now?
What you should also know is that your beau does not care about how you look on the outside. He likes you for who you are, and knows that what’s inside of you is what counts. The whole time you have been together, you have remained tame with your looks and didn’t even give them a thought. You’d wear your hair with its naturally loose curls, your faded jeans, and cozy sweater, and be perfectly content and comfortable with who you were. Then suddenly you became entranced by your beau’s appearance, thinking yourself not worthy of his fine looks. My dear one…why would you ever think that? Because of who you are, your faith in God and your immensely kind heart, you had already won him over. He has been looking for someone like you for quite some time.
When your true love looks at you, through his mind runs the quote from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. “Did my heart love till now? Foreswear it sight, for I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.”
God and I love you more than you could ever imagine, young one. I will continue to watch over your beautiful soul and keep you from harm. And once again, Jenny, know that you are beautiful for who you are; and that the beauty that radiates from your face is the light that shines out from your heart.
Your Guardian Angel and Protector,
My name is Edward, and I am your guardian angel. I know you do not always feel me near, much less know that I even exist. But I am forever watching over you and protecting you. The Lord, Our Father Above, assigned me this responsibility the day He brought you into the wonderful world that He created. And I might add, that I have enjoyed every single moment of the task. To watch you grow, and see you develop into a young lady of such beauty…
Beauty. That brings me to the whole point of this letter of which I am concerned. I have noticed that since the coming of your new beau, you have been so preoccupied with your looks. Such as if your hair is curling right, or if you are wearing something flattering enough. The point is, you have been worrying yourself with your outer appearance just for his sake. You have never given much thought to this before, and that made you shine brighter than anyone. So for you to suddenly let a boy cause you to pay attention to these details at such great length has caused me such dismay.
Let me advise you about beauty, and what it truly is. Today, so many women and young ladies mistake beauty for glamour. This saddens me so, and they do it for a boy or a man’s interest most of the time. That is not what beauty is at all. I want to help you before you become part of this misconception.
Have you ever heard of the quote, “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart,” by Kahlil Gibran? ’Tis such a profound quote, but most ladies do not ever grasp the full meaning of it. I know that you, on the other hand, can comprehend the meaning. Let me tell you something else important, dear one. Looks fade…they do not last forever. But what you are on the inside remains a part of you till the end of your life. You have always been so caring, and thoughtful to others. You’ve always been a kindred spirit, maintaining your purity and dignity. You also know that if a boy does not like you for who you are, not to bother with a connection. So why change that now?
What you should also know is that your beau does not care about how you look on the outside. He likes you for who you are, and knows that what’s inside of you is what counts. The whole time you have been together, you have remained tame with your looks and didn’t even give them a thought. You’d wear your hair with its naturally loose curls, your faded jeans, and cozy sweater, and be perfectly content and comfortable with who you were. Then suddenly you became entranced by your beau’s appearance, thinking yourself not worthy of his fine looks. My dear one…why would you ever think that? Because of who you are, your faith in God and your immensely kind heart, you had already won him over. He has been looking for someone like you for quite some time.
When your true love looks at you, through his mind runs the quote from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. “Did my heart love till now? Foreswear it sight, for I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.”
God and I love you more than you could ever imagine, young one. I will continue to watch over your beautiful soul and keep you from harm. And once again, Jenny, know that you are beautiful for who you are; and that the beauty that radiates from your face is the light that shines out from your heart.
Your Guardian Angel and Protector,
Monday, March 16, 2009
"The Summer Sun"
The summer sun had just began to disappear behind the aqua blue water, turning the sky bright orange. The water dazzled in the setting sun giving light to te fishermen coming in from a day out at sea. I sat there in the warm sand as the rays shine down on my face. I breathed in the salty air,, and watched the tall palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze. I drifted off to sleep lulled by the sound of the waves lapping upon the sandy beach.
- i finally figured this thing out-

Thursday, February 5, 2009
~ King Midas ~
Ok. Glenn was sad because no one's putting any thing on the blog ... so here ya go Glenn !
~ King Midas ~
King Midas was a kind, fair, slow man. One day he was strolling in his beautiful garden , and he came across an elderly satyr , snoozing away in the flower bed . He let the satyr go, without any harm, so Dionysus rewarded him with one wish.The King only thought for a second. He wished for everything he touched to turn to gold, and Dionysus made it so .
He touched the radian flowers, and they turned to gold. He grew skimpy and hungry. Each time he tried to eat, the food turned to gold. Just trying to touch his beautiful daughter , he turned her to gold.
~ King Midas ~
King Midas was a kind, fair, slow man. One day he was strolling in his beautiful garden , and he came across an elderly satyr , snoozing away in the flower bed . He let the satyr go, without any harm, so Dionysus rewarded him with one wish.The King only thought for a second. He wished for everything he touched to turn to gold, and Dionysus made it so .
He touched the radian flowers, and they turned to gold. He grew skimpy and hungry. Each time he tried to eat, the food turned to gold. Just trying to touch his beautiful daughter , he turned her to gold.
He knew he must do something, so he asked Dionysus to change every thing back to the way it was . Eventually , every thing was gold, and he was deeply depressed and ashamed . Dionysus took mercy on him, and granted him, his desire .
He was now poorer then before but yet richer in the things that really count in life .
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Me and the Lion
A rewrite of Androcles and the Lion by Glennellen...
I ran for my life that night, fleeting to the forest. I had managed to escape from my cruel master without being caught. I’d been his slave, his servant, all of my life. I’d dreamed about this escape since the day he bought me at the market. And now here I was, running through the cold, dark midnight, not daring to look back and praying fiercely.
I had finally reached the woody forest, and bundled up near a tree to try to catch some sleep when I was sure I was a great distance away from my original home…if that’s what you can call it. But I couldn’t sleep. How could I? So many thoughts were running through my head. Like the fact that I’d never have to feel the horrible pain of whenever my master would beat me when he was mad or upset with me; and not having to wake up in fear the next morning of what was to become of me that day. Not only were these thoughts keeping me awake, but my heart was pounding from all of the running.
Eventually, the sun began to rise; and I could see through the entire Greenwood. I began to wander around, breathing in the fresh air and feeling free. I was rather enjoying myself, until I came upon something that made me stop dead in my tracks, wide-eyed. There, about 4 yards in front of me, lay a lion in the grass. He seemed to be in pain; for he was moaning and groaning, and wallowing on his back in the meshy ground. Immediately, I turned to run away in fear it might attack me, hence its injury. But to my surprise, he did not pursue me. Instead, he remained where he was, looking desperate for help. Sorrow swept over me, and I began to walk towards the big lion.
As I knelt down beside him, I noticed his left paw was raised limply. It was swollen and bleeding, and after I brought myself to take it into my hands, I examined it. I realized that there was a huge thorn in his paw, and that it was the source of all the pain. I looked into the remarkable creature’s great, chestnut eyes, which gazed at me as if they were wondering what I was about to do to him. I took my thumb and index finger, gingerly removing the nasty, sharp object out of his furry skin and bound it up with some cloth from my rag shirt.
He then rolled over on his stomach, and gracefully stood on all fours when he was able to do so without it hurting him. I sat on my knees, watching the lion with curious and awe-struck eyes. He was truly a magnificent creature. His brownish-gold fur glistened in the sunlight. After looking at me for a moment, he suddenly started licking my hands, just as a puppy would do. He seemed so grateful and kind, and I couldn’t help but laugh with happiness, and relief, as he kept kissing my hand with his tongue.
Later on, the lion and I began to roam through the forest together. The sun was beginning to set, and the lion led me into his cave, giving me shelter for the night and a home. He even came back with fresh meat from his prey for us to eat at meals. For what seemed like the first time in my life, I felt like I was at home.
This lasted for about a week, when one day we heard other humans within the woods. I feared it was perhaps my old master with some other hunters to help him search for me. It turned out it wasn’t; but before I could feel safe again, the Lion and I were both captured by these strangers. I cried out to my dear friend in agony as they pulled us out of the forest. I knew that I’d probably be just a slave again to another human now, but what was to become of the Lion is what had me most concerned.
The strangers then held me captive without food or drink for several days. I then heard them discussing what was to be done with me after the horrible latter of hunger. “We’re to throw the boy to the Lion,” I heard them say. “Tomorrow morning.”
What? This couldn’t be happening! These horrible people were to make a savage of my friend in front of many people by making me its prey. How could one do such a thing? Would my lion friend really eat me?
The next day, I was taken to stand in the middle of an arena, which was crowded by many observers. I took in my surroundings, and saw that even the Emperor and all his Court had come to watch. He looked content and curious, his hands folded nicely in his lap and his eyes on me. Then finally came the event of the day. I heard a snarl come from behind me, and whipped my head around to see the Lion being let loose from his den. I stared at him, blankly. I felt myself freeze and not even attempt to make a run. Silent but powerful tears sprang to my eyes as I stared at the great Lion spot me. He bounded towards me, growling and roaring louder than ever. I clamped my eyes shut tight, waiting for the pain. But the pain didn’t come. I opened my eyes to see my friend staring at me with knowing eyes. Hope fluttered in my heart, and I gazed right back at him. Then, the most beautiful thing of all, the Lion fawned upon me and started licking me like a puppy, just like he had when we’d first met. I couldn’t help but let out tears of joy and love him back when he did this. I was once again reunited with my friend.
I heard gasps of shock from the crowd, along with utter confusion and much conversation. I looked in the Emperor’s direction to see his reaction to this, and he was absolutely shocked. He rose slowly from his chair, never taking his eyes off of the Lion and me. Then he summoned me to him.
After I walked toward him, he spoke. “Your name, child.”
“Androcles, sir,” I said.
“Androcles,” he said. “What is the purpose of this? Never in my life…” He didn’t even finish his next sentence. I took a deep breath, and told him the whole the story of when I’d run away and found the Lion in the forest. The Emperor looked at me with an amazed expression, and he looked at me as a father would who is proud of a child.
“I pardon and free you,” he said to me. “And your friend may return to his native forest, as well.”
I felt great joy within me, and my Lion friend and I soon returned back to the forest.
The beautiful purpose of this tale is based on gratitude and loyalty. In this case, it is known as the saying, “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.”
I ran for my life that night, fleeting to the forest. I had managed to escape from my cruel master without being caught. I’d been his slave, his servant, all of my life. I’d dreamed about this escape since the day he bought me at the market. And now here I was, running through the cold, dark midnight, not daring to look back and praying fiercely.
I had finally reached the woody forest, and bundled up near a tree to try to catch some sleep when I was sure I was a great distance away from my original home…if that’s what you can call it. But I couldn’t sleep. How could I? So many thoughts were running through my head. Like the fact that I’d never have to feel the horrible pain of whenever my master would beat me when he was mad or upset with me; and not having to wake up in fear the next morning of what was to become of me that day. Not only were these thoughts keeping me awake, but my heart was pounding from all of the running.
Eventually, the sun began to rise; and I could see through the entire Greenwood. I began to wander around, breathing in the fresh air and feeling free. I was rather enjoying myself, until I came upon something that made me stop dead in my tracks, wide-eyed. There, about 4 yards in front of me, lay a lion in the grass. He seemed to be in pain; for he was moaning and groaning, and wallowing on his back in the meshy ground. Immediately, I turned to run away in fear it might attack me, hence its injury. But to my surprise, he did not pursue me. Instead, he remained where he was, looking desperate for help. Sorrow swept over me, and I began to walk towards the big lion.
As I knelt down beside him, I noticed his left paw was raised limply. It was swollen and bleeding, and after I brought myself to take it into my hands, I examined it. I realized that there was a huge thorn in his paw, and that it was the source of all the pain. I looked into the remarkable creature’s great, chestnut eyes, which gazed at me as if they were wondering what I was about to do to him. I took my thumb and index finger, gingerly removing the nasty, sharp object out of his furry skin and bound it up with some cloth from my rag shirt.
He then rolled over on his stomach, and gracefully stood on all fours when he was able to do so without it hurting him. I sat on my knees, watching the lion with curious and awe-struck eyes. He was truly a magnificent creature. His brownish-gold fur glistened in the sunlight. After looking at me for a moment, he suddenly started licking my hands, just as a puppy would do. He seemed so grateful and kind, and I couldn’t help but laugh with happiness, and relief, as he kept kissing my hand with his tongue.
Later on, the lion and I began to roam through the forest together. The sun was beginning to set, and the lion led me into his cave, giving me shelter for the night and a home. He even came back with fresh meat from his prey for us to eat at meals. For what seemed like the first time in my life, I felt like I was at home.
This lasted for about a week, when one day we heard other humans within the woods. I feared it was perhaps my old master with some other hunters to help him search for me. It turned out it wasn’t; but before I could feel safe again, the Lion and I were both captured by these strangers. I cried out to my dear friend in agony as they pulled us out of the forest. I knew that I’d probably be just a slave again to another human now, but what was to become of the Lion is what had me most concerned.
The strangers then held me captive without food or drink for several days. I then heard them discussing what was to be done with me after the horrible latter of hunger. “We’re to throw the boy to the Lion,” I heard them say. “Tomorrow morning.”
What? This couldn’t be happening! These horrible people were to make a savage of my friend in front of many people by making me its prey. How could one do such a thing? Would my lion friend really eat me?
The next day, I was taken to stand in the middle of an arena, which was crowded by many observers. I took in my surroundings, and saw that even the Emperor and all his Court had come to watch. He looked content and curious, his hands folded nicely in his lap and his eyes on me. Then finally came the event of the day. I heard a snarl come from behind me, and whipped my head around to see the Lion being let loose from his den. I stared at him, blankly. I felt myself freeze and not even attempt to make a run. Silent but powerful tears sprang to my eyes as I stared at the great Lion spot me. He bounded towards me, growling and roaring louder than ever. I clamped my eyes shut tight, waiting for the pain. But the pain didn’t come. I opened my eyes to see my friend staring at me with knowing eyes. Hope fluttered in my heart, and I gazed right back at him. Then, the most beautiful thing of all, the Lion fawned upon me and started licking me like a puppy, just like he had when we’d first met. I couldn’t help but let out tears of joy and love him back when he did this. I was once again reunited with my friend.
I heard gasps of shock from the crowd, along with utter confusion and much conversation. I looked in the Emperor’s direction to see his reaction to this, and he was absolutely shocked. He rose slowly from his chair, never taking his eyes off of the Lion and me. Then he summoned me to him.
After I walked toward him, he spoke. “Your name, child.”
“Androcles, sir,” I said.
“Androcles,” he said. “What is the purpose of this? Never in my life…” He didn’t even finish his next sentence. I took a deep breath, and told him the whole the story of when I’d run away and found the Lion in the forest. The Emperor looked at me with an amazed expression, and he looked at me as a father would who is proud of a child.
“I pardon and free you,” he said to me. “And your friend may return to his native forest, as well.”
I felt great joy within me, and my Lion friend and I soon returned back to the forest.
The beautiful purpose of this tale is based on gratitude and loyalty. In this case, it is known as the saying, “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.”
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
New York, The City that Never Sleeps
Here's Glennellen's essay:
Suspended above me was a sky of bright white, cloudless and blank. Though in some ways it should be somewhat blinding, it was just fine to my eyesight. Cars and taxis zoomed past me, some honking as they raced down the busy highway. People flooded the streets of the crowded city; talking, hailing a cab, chatting on their cell phones… Almost everyone seemed to be in a hurry. Some on their way to work, some on their way to lunch, to a meeting, or just errands. It was all pure chaos. I could smell the gas fumes and pollution of NYC that filled the air. It made my head spin. I could also smell freshly popped popcorn, coffee and lattes from the Starbucks across the street, food, perfume from boutiques…all sorts of smells that filled my senses.
Hustle and bustle filled the cramped and industrious sidewalks, a sort of exhilarating turmoil. The rush of the city amazed me!
Nowhere was there a sense of peace or tranquillity. Everywhere I turned, sound filled my ears and made my eardrums rattle.
I walked past designer shops, boutiques, fancy restaurants, apartment buildings, a movie theater, bookstores, and all other sorts of fascinating places that caught my eye. I later found myself nearing one of the fantastic Broadway theaters. Towering above me were animated posters of famous shows, like “Wicked” and “Mama Mia!”. I could only imagine how amazing and magical the theatricals were when they came to life onstage… I walked into the magnificent theater, feeling as if I were home, as the two big doors closed behind me; eliminating all the craziness and noise of the outside world. I was finally in my own world again- the place where the outside world cannot touch me. Where I am lost in the beauty and the magic of the moment.
Who knew one place could hold such sweetness and fulfillment in my heart?
Suspended above me was a sky of bright white, cloudless and blank. Though in some ways it should be somewhat blinding, it was just fine to my eyesight. Cars and taxis zoomed past me, some honking as they raced down the busy highway. People flooded the streets of the crowded city; talking, hailing a cab, chatting on their cell phones… Almost everyone seemed to be in a hurry. Some on their way to work, some on their way to lunch, to a meeting, or just errands. It was all pure chaos. I could smell the gas fumes and pollution of NYC that filled the air. It made my head spin. I could also smell freshly popped popcorn, coffee and lattes from the Starbucks across the street, food, perfume from boutiques…all sorts of smells that filled my senses.
Hustle and bustle filled the cramped and industrious sidewalks, a sort of exhilarating turmoil. The rush of the city amazed me!
Nowhere was there a sense of peace or tranquillity. Everywhere I turned, sound filled my ears and made my eardrums rattle.
I walked past designer shops, boutiques, fancy restaurants, apartment buildings, a movie theater, bookstores, and all other sorts of fascinating places that caught my eye. I later found myself nearing one of the fantastic Broadway theaters. Towering above me were animated posters of famous shows, like “Wicked” and “Mama Mia!”. I could only imagine how amazing and magical the theatricals were when they came to life onstage… I walked into the magnificent theater, feeling as if I were home, as the two big doors closed behind me; eliminating all the craziness and noise of the outside world. I was finally in my own world again- the place where the outside world cannot touch me. Where I am lost in the beauty and the magic of the moment.
Who knew one place could hold such sweetness and fulfillment in my heart?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Quiet Place
Here's Amy's description:
I look around in the early morning, watching the sun rise over the steep hills in the distance. Dark rocks sitting in the still, blue waters reflect the sun above. The smell of the clean breeze moving by me, waves through the tall, old oak trees that rest by the bay, a peaceful presence in the air.
I look around in the early morning, watching the sun rise over the steep hills in the distance. Dark rocks sitting in the still, blue waters reflect the sun above. The smell of the clean breeze moving by me, waves through the tall, old oak trees that rest by the bay, a peaceful presence in the air.
Friday, January 9, 2009
My Essay Thing ....

The Brightness of the lights , all most blinded me , as I got out of the small , cramped taxi . You couldn't even see the stars , in the dark, black sky . So many buildings towered over me like giants starring down at me . As I was searching for a place to eat , I smelled all of the food , which made me hungrier then I was before . The busy people almost knocked me over , trying to get to the shops and the restaurants . The sounds of cars beeping and people chattering , filled my ears. Finally , I got into a restaurant , out of the busy city , and finally got to eat .
Describing setting..

Here's Anna's essay:
Adobe Homes in Italy
As I remember it, it was very calm. Only a little noise from the few fisherman departing on their boats or returning from their venture, and the sound of their wives hanging the laundry over the railings and chatting with their neighbors. It smelled of the sea, but even more so of fish. A pleasant smell it was, yet revolting at the same time. You could literally taste the salt in your mouth, without even tasting any of the water from the sea.
It was late morning, the sky a clear blue. In fact, it matched the top tier of the fishing boats. The sun glimmered high above the few breaths of clouds, almost as if the clouds had left on some adventure and forgotten to bring their shadows also.
The village was beautiful, all the adobe homes on top of each other. Their foundation was a cliff... Though this frightened me at first, I eventually got used to it. The homes closer to the sky were blander than those closer to the sea. The homes near the sky were in creams and beiges, and a few grey from the wear and tear of the sea weather. Those closer to the sea I loved the most. They dazzled me in sunny yellows and pinks that should belong to a bubblegum making factory. All these homes were two stories or more (in fact most were three stories!), many with stairs leading to the front doors, which were on the second floor (usually). Most of the homes windows and doors were open, because everyone loved the breeze from the sea during those hot summer days. Even nearer to the sea were the fishing boats and their nets, most of the nets thrown askew on the concrete. The boats were of wood and had three different colors, red, white, and blue. It was strange to see these colors in Italy, they reminded me of my American heritage. The fishing nets glowed in shades of red and pink, with ropes resting on top of some of them. Further out was the sea, shallow and crystal clear with the sun shining down on it. So inviting it was on such a hot summer day that I longed to dive into it head first. However, my logic told me that I would probably not be seeing a lot of this beautiful village if I tried such a thing!
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