Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Glennellen's description of Tinkerbell.....

I glanced through the bushes while walking in the mysterious woods. There sat upon its nest a beautiful dove, but what really caught my attention was the extraordinary creature that sat on her knees on the dove’s back…
It was a wee, magnificent creature that appeared to be, in fact, a fairy. She was pocket-sized, and sat gracefully upon her knees, observing her surroundings. Her tiny, delicate frame glowed and she wore a strapless, little green silk dress that had sharp little ridges at the bottom. Her elegant, golden hair was pulled on top of her head in a carefree, wind-blown up-do, looking like a cute messy bun. What kept her hair in place was a thin green ribbon that danced in the wind. On her dainty feet, she wore little jade colored, elf-like shoes, with small, white, fuzzy, puff balls on the tips.
Though her body was no bigger than my index finger, her blooming, enticing beauty overtook me…her face was gentle and sweet, yet alluring. Her eyes shone like dazzling clear blue crystals. Her lips were the color of rosy pink, neither too thin nor too full for perfection. Her skin, a pale, milky, smooth tone, glowed in the sunlight, casting off a radiant reflection.
Her dainty, tender fingers were spread apart against the dove’s feathery back, helping her keep her balance.
Graceful, soft wings spread across her back. They were just the right size for her little nymph figure. They were a light tint of pink, but clear so that you could see through them. Every now and then they would twitch happily, making me long to touch them.
This fascinating beauty, this little pixie, that was right before my eyes, happened to look my way. She didn’t fly away, but instead flashed her adorable, mischievous smile at me. It captured me in an irresistible way. Her wings now fluttered even more happily, and she let out her little tinker giggle. In an instant, she flew away on her little, elegant wings, a small yellowish gold glow circling her and leaving a trail of pixie dust as she fluttered by.
And I knew at that very moment that she was, without a doubt, the greatest fairy of them all…Tinkerbell.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Luna's description of a lion...

I looked through the binoculars in my turn, and could not supress a shiver of wonder. I had seen a wonderful, terrible lion. It loped silently toward our tour vehicle, staring at us with its mesmerizing yellow eyes. The lion's fur was an orange-gold, with a more orange mane. I was sufficiently close to see his wet black nose and whitish snout. He was just padding next to our car, his ears perked. He didn't seem to want to harm us. The lion shook his head and his mane rippled in the breeze. His soulful eyes met mine, and I was transfixed in the deep pools of yellow-gold. He appeared to lose interest in the tour bus, but I knew this was not so. His long, sinuous body slunk off into the distance leaving me shaken.

Becca's description....

As I entered the earth's outer space, I saw a small creature. It was in resembalance of an owl with its pointed ears. It was small and very round like a butterball. Its nose was comparable to a beak but rounded on the bottom. It swayed to and fro not staying at one place. Its eyes were as black as coal outlined in white. I watched it as it disappeared into the dark outer space.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Amy's description of a tarsier...

I see him in my palm, a small tarsier listening to the sounds around him. His long, delicate fingers and his immense eyes looking at me, questioning what I am. His compact figure, soft and timid. His small, subtle nose smelling the air around him, trying to figure out his surroundings. He clings to my palm with a firm, but nervous grip, trusting, but uncertain of my intentions.

Anna's description of a baby giraffe....

As the sand dries upon my face, I catch a glimpse of a lanky, Saharan animal. The juvenille leaf-eater scrumbles in the sand, with his protective mother at his side. The leggy sprog extends his graceful neck for a taste of foliage. His neck may be elegant, but he clambers awkwardly. He is innocent and accident-prone, pure yet ungainly. He is young and spotted, his ears look extensive compared to his wee profile. As our shabby jeep rolls along, I lose sight of this awe-inspiring young creature. It will, however, be inscribed in my memory for decades to come.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Matthew's description of a gryphon....

As I gazed into my imagination, my breath was stolen away. For I saw before me a beautiful, shining myth. It was a majestic creature, with head, wings, and front claws of an eagle, and back paws, tail, mane and body of a lion. Its noble eyes gazed at me, and made me wonder what it thought, as it jumped and started to fly, its large, stunning body turning away from me. I watched the gryphon until I could no longer see it, or the sun's light reflecting off its grand, legendary body. I then woke up from my daydream.

Description of a puppy by Karleigh...

As I sat down on the hard wooden park bench, I saw this darling little Yorkie tumble through the dewy grass. It dashed at me, but not in an agressive way, but in the most beautiful play-like way. This beautiful little girl had to be the most loveable mammal that one ever saw. It had no meat on its bones, you could obviously see no one claimed to be a loving owner to this adorable puppy. It acted as a shy little thing, but was the most tender hearted mongrel. It danced around as it seemed to be saying, "Come play with me, come on." It had the most glass-like eyes. They almost looked teary. Its ears were flapping in the wind. I took in consideration to take this poor little puppy and give him the most loving home he could ever have.

Description of a sea horse by Meghan...

Diving in the depths of the sea, I found a leaf-like sea dragon. Just swaying there, with its glowing seaweed-like arms branching out from its curved body. Just floating there in the darkness of the sea, with its long nose. His yellow eyes look out from his white sploched face, as he glances at me. I will forever remember this moment.

Ari's description of a tree frog...

I let out a gasp, for a croaker had hopped upon my shoulder. I quickly recovered from my surprise, and slowly turned to observe this being. It was of the slimy sort, its webbed toes felt gelatinous against my skin. Its lime-like skin was oozing with the slime, the yellow of his underside was like a sunflower, its red toes like cherries in Shirley Temples. This amphibian's adorable red eyes were so innocent, it was too weighty for me, I closed my eyes for a few seconds. Then I opened them to find a juicy grasshopper in my buddy's mouth. He had a ferocious appetite that forced me to think about how empty my stomach was. Regretfully, I placed the amusing creature on a stout tree and strolled off to my humble abode to get a marvelous feast from the refrigerator.

Emily's description of a toddler....

As I sit watching Bean play with his trains I sense the joy that comes from such an insignificant thing. His sapphire eyes filled with uncontainable excitement. His silk hair dancing across his small forehead as he crawls around the floor, pushing his trains, bringing them to life in his eyes. His brightly colored cheeks growing pinker and pinker by the moment, as laughter spills from the depths of his tiny being. He clutches a train in his tiny, pudgy hand, and extends it to me to examine what he finds so interesting. I play along so as not to extinguish his passion for them. He is talking constantly, and though I don't know what he says, you can hear the enthusiasm rising in each word. I want to feel this way for the rest of my life, so I take out my camera, press the button, and capture this moment forever.

The giant squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

Today in class we wrote a descriptive paragraph of an animal, creature, or mythical beast based on the description of the cuttlefish from Jules Vernes' 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. We focused on using specific, descriptive nouns, adjectives and verbs, along with a specific vantage point of the narrator in relation to the object being described. I think the students did an excellent job. Please enjoy reading the student's descriptions above.