Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New York, The City that Never Sleeps

Here's Glennellen's essay:

Suspended above me was a sky of bright white, cloudless and blank. Though in some ways it should be somewhat blinding, it was just fine to my eyesight. Cars and taxis zoomed past me, some honking as they raced down the busy highway. People flooded the streets of the crowded city; talking, hailing a cab, chatting on their cell phones… Almost everyone seemed to be in a hurry. Some on their way to work, some on their way to lunch, to a meeting, or just errands. It was all pure chaos. I could smell the gas fumes and pollution of NYC that filled the air. It made my head spin. I could also smell freshly popped popcorn, coffee and lattes from the Starbucks across the street, food, perfume from boutiques…all sorts of smells that filled my senses.
Hustle and bustle filled the cramped and industrious sidewalks, a sort of exhilarating turmoil. The rush of the city amazed me!
Nowhere was there a sense of peace or tranquillity. Everywhere I turned, sound filled my ears and made my eardrums rattle.
I walked past designer shops, boutiques, fancy restaurants, apartment buildings, a movie theater, bookstores, and all other sorts of fascinating places that caught my eye. I later found myself nearing one of the fantastic Broadway theaters. Towering above me were animated posters of famous shows, like “Wicked” and “Mama Mia!”. I could only imagine how amazing and magical the theatricals were when they came to life onstage… I walked into the magnificent theater, feeling as if I were home, as the two big doors closed behind me; eliminating all the craziness and noise of the outside world. I was finally in my own world again- the place where the outside world cannot touch me. Where I am lost in the beauty and the magic of the moment.

Who knew one place could hold such sweetness and fulfillment in my heart?


Anna said...

I loved this! Great job Glenn!

Glennellen said...

Thanx so much Anna, that is such a sweet and wonderful thing to hear!

Meghan said...

THIS IS REALLY GOOD !!!!!!! I LOVE IT !!!!! Haha . You did a REALLY good job with this !!!

Glennellen said...

Thanks Meghan, that is a great thing to hear! I just love writing descriptions for things or places...