Friday, November 14, 2008

Description of a puppy by Karleigh...

As I sat down on the hard wooden park bench, I saw this darling little Yorkie tumble through the dewy grass. It dashed at me, but not in an agressive way, but in the most beautiful play-like way. This beautiful little girl had to be the most loveable mammal that one ever saw. It had no meat on its bones, you could obviously see no one claimed to be a loving owner to this adorable puppy. It acted as a shy little thing, but was the most tender hearted mongrel. It danced around as it seemed to be saying, "Come play with me, come on." It had the most glass-like eyes. They almost looked teary. Its ears were flapping in the wind. I took in consideration to take this poor little puppy and give him the most loving home he could ever have.


Glennellen said...

That is a reallllyy cute description, Karleigh!! It makes me wanna scoop it up in my made it sound very realistic.

Karleigh said...

Thank you!! Well I sorta tried to make it like mine dog's story.Thanks again!!!

Karleigh said...

OOPS I ment MY dog's story.

Glennellen said...

Awww cute! The story was really adorable. I really love Yorkies...I noticed you have a Yorkie blog. Do you at all need members?