Friday, November 14, 2008

Ari's description of a tree frog...

I let out a gasp, for a croaker had hopped upon my shoulder. I quickly recovered from my surprise, and slowly turned to observe this being. It was of the slimy sort, its webbed toes felt gelatinous against my skin. Its lime-like skin was oozing with the slime, the yellow of his underside was like a sunflower, its red toes like cherries in Shirley Temples. This amphibian's adorable red eyes were so innocent, it was too weighty for me, I closed my eyes for a few seconds. Then I opened them to find a juicy grasshopper in my buddy's mouth. He had a ferocious appetite that forced me to think about how empty my stomach was. Regretfully, I placed the amusing creature on a stout tree and strolled off to my humble abode to get a marvelous feast from the refrigerator.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Wow Ari ! You did a Great Job !!!