Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Anna's Descriptive Writing Essay

Description of a Person I Have Named LEO

  Her face has calmness to it, along with a question of why her picture is being taken.  The lines of her face are prominent, yet at the same time very smoothed.  She seems to have very deep thoughts, but does not know how to express them correctly.  Her luscious lips have a half-smile on them, but only to one side.  Her mouth seems mellow, but also gives you the sense that she just might know something about yourself and the world you don’t.  Her nose is small and delicate, expressing how she was as a child; though she is still a young woman.  Her eyes, which I would picture to be beautiful, are hidden behind large circular glasses, as though they are in hiding, afraid of what the world might think.  Her glasses give her a certain confidence, however strange and awkward that might sound.  The eyes are the windows to the soul, and therefore if they are covered, she can’t be hurt, at least not the way that she sees it.  Her brows give her an even-tempered look… not too vertical making her have a look of surprise, but not too narrow and shallow that they make her look angry or confused.  Her hair expresses a very free-spirited side of her, in a sense that if her hair would not be quite so curly and buoyant you may not know her as being a free spirit.  Her face has an overall understanding over her surroundings, yet a lingering question of if there is more she hasn’t seen; And if so, a yearning to see it.


Meghan said...

Anna , that is really good !!!!!!
I think it is very interesting !!!

Glennellen said...

Oh my gosh...Anna, that was amazing. You put so much depth into it! I have to tell you, you saw things that even I didn't notice until you pointed them out. I think (and I'm not just saying this) that this is probably the best decription that can be given to this picture. Way to go, girl!!

Matthew said...

you and glenn have REALLY LOOOOONG descriptions. mines really short and not as good as you guys' ones. but i'm not putting it on here, cause it's 'special' and secret.

but anyway...awesome job with this!!!

Anna said...

Thanks guys (When I say guys I mean gals to!)!

Glennellen said...

Oh and by the way, are sooo totally right. It is a girl!! I knew that from the beginning...again. awesome work!!

Unknown said...

Daaaang A(nna)

That's a frickin awesome description.

I'm sending you my next magazine job.

Please complete it by Monday morning.

Until then I remain,

Very Sincerely Yours,


Anna said...

Hey, I'll seriously take it if i get paid. ; ) I've been running low in the cash area lately!

Glennellen said...
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Glennellen said...

Who is Uncultured (aka Andrew)? Is he a friend of yours, Anna??