Friday, September 19, 2008

Descriptive Writing Tutorial

It occurred to me after class yesterday, that perhaps a tutorial in how to write a description would've been a good idea. I'll show you how I go about writing mine and you can follow along with your own portrait photo.

Good writers will touch the readers emotions, so I'll begin by listing the emotions I see in this man's face:
Free will

Write down the emotions you see in the face you're describing.

Next I'll connect the emotion to the feature:
Free Will~hair, beard

Try to connect the emotions you identified with the features on your portrait.

Now I have something to work with: specific adjectives for certain features. I need to imagine the life he lived.

Now I'll have to decide what feature to describe first. I think I'll start with his overall face, then skin and then features from top to bottom. You can begin the same way or choose your own order.

Let's begin:
A man of strength who has seen many trials and come out beyond. His dark, aged skin roughened by the weather of the years shines brightly in the sun. His brow set in determination of what he knows is right. His eyes, almost black, sparkle with the wisdom of experience. Remembering music of the past, his mouth turns upwards in a smile of joy. Refusing to grow old, his hair hangs in dreadlocks on his forehead, a nod to well fought freedom and choice. A gray, ragged beard softens his face which challenges a new generation to grow and change.

My girls would tell you my style is kind of "cheesy." You don't have to write in my style, I encourage you all to find a voice of your own, but maybe my tips will get you started.

Have fun with this assignment~paint your portrait in words!

1 comment:

Glennellen said...

I love it, Ms. Michelle! That was a very good describtion, and it also really helped me to know how (without copying you) to write my paragraph about MY picture. Again, I love it!!