Saturday, August 9, 2008

Task 1.5 Writing in the style of Dickens

If you're writing along, change your description from task 1.1 to the style of Dickens. Here's my revision:
A joyful woman, vibrant in nature, with an open smile on her face. A woman with lines of laughter etched around face, and with a twinkle in her eyes and wisps of grayed hair neatly in place. A woman who had lived many years, and seen the joy of birth, and the pain of death, and felt the struggle of life and the strength in friends, and the pain in loving and letting go; who lifted her head and clasped her hands together and laughed and smiled as she looked up to the sky . Her life complete.

1 comment:

HollyinNNV said...

A 9th Grader from N. NV writes:

A hyper boy, in a glaring t-shirt, with a plastic toy light-saber held in the air. A boy with a lop-sided blue baseball cap, and with mud-splattered grey sneakers, and with the remains of his last meal smeared across his smirking face. A boy who had been crippled by jagged rocks, and speared with wooden splinters, and deafened by loud music, and suffered a headache from playing his iPod too loud, and was drenched in water from the neighbor’s super soaker, and had a large scrape on his leg from a scooter crash; who scampered, and screamed, and smirked, and scoffed, and whose mouth would not stop issuing complaints as he sped in tearful whiny circles, trapping me.