Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Task 1.1

Write a one page description of someone of interest.  I chose the woman above:


Michelle in AL said...

Ageless Joy
Her face looks up to the sky with joy and laughter, her thin, graying black her wisps off her face in gentle waves. Smooth folds, like desert sand overlap and surround her brow, eyes and gaping mouth. Fold after fold etched from a lifetime of joy. Brows raised and arched in agreement. Dark eyes look heavenward with laughter. Her cheeks are full and composed of many lines of happiness surrounding her mouth tenfold. Her cherry colored lips open into a wide smile full of bright teeth. Captured in the moment.

HollyinNNV said...

My description of a neighbor
By Holly in N NV

Oh so impatiently she sits at the fence imploring, “Kevin! Kevin! Kevin!” Her hopeful face lights up as she hears the footfall next door. She can’t glimpse me through the fence. “Kevin is that you?” She has been outside for quite some time, banned from the house because she has annoyed everyone within earshot. Demanding their undivided attention, she runs from family member to family member attempting to engage them. Mom is busy. Sis is busy. Brother is busy. Dad is not busy, but still unavailable. And so she sits at the fence waiting for my son, Kevin. Actually she sits, paces, bounces a ball, sits and shakes her long brown hair, waiting for Kevin.

“No Olivia, it’s not Kevin. It’s Mrs. K.” She winsomely begs me to fetch Kevin, her petite body wiggling with necessity. For sitting at the fence is a boring, yet important task for her. She needs a person to hear her voice, hear her indictments, hear her pontifications upon life. Even a four year old pontificates! With a serious shake of her head she can tell Kevin all manner of important laws and theories, her voice stern with propriety. For who else will listen? Only an eight-year old boy, Kevin is still not a match for her verbal prowess.

As her voice hits a high screechy crescendo, I slip inside to find Kevin. And still I hear her rasping, “Kevin! Is that you?”

Michelle in AL said...

Holly, that's great. Your writing brought a smile to my face! I think you really brought the reader into the scene.

HollyinNNV said...

A Ninth Grader in N NV

You will never be bored in the company of Kevin! Kevin is an eight-year-old boy. His appearance is that of a sweet youthful boy, but once you get to know him, Kevin has an explosive personality! His eccentric tendencies make him an exciting person to be around.

Kevin’s hair is sandy brown, often rumpled up, sticking out in all different directions. Occasionally, he will style his hair with water or gel and part his hair in the middle. Kevin’s face enables those around him to read his mood with ease. His eyebrows pull together, smooth out and crease in hundreds of different ways. This makes his face incredibly expressive. His large bright eyes are a warm shade of light brown. Unmistakably, Kevin also has a beauty mark above his upper lip. Kevin enjoys wearing mismatched clothing and superhero costumes. Because of his age, Kevin is still short, thin and slight. He makes up for this with his personality!

Kevin is tremendously strong-willed. No matter how eccentric, idiotic or obviously wrong his ideas are, he is unyieldingly convinced that he is correct in his beliefs. He tends to be cautious rather than adventurous. For instance, he still sleeps with dozens of stuffed animals, will scream at the sight of an insect and will cry if he is stuck outside while there are strong winds. Despite these factors, he still enjoys flipping from an armchair onto a beanbag, and jumping off stair banisters. Kevin can be sweet, caring and funny if he wants to be. However, most of the time, he is obnoxious. He is practiced at the art of finding something that will drive you crazy!

Kevin needs a constant companion during hours of leisure. He loves interacting with other people. Playing by himself isn’t nearly as enjoyable as playing with another person. Therefore he usually plays with his sister, or with the next-door-neighbor girls. He enjoys playing outdoor ball games. When unable to find a companion, Kevin plays video games and loves to watch Sponge Bob Square Pants.

Kevin is unpredictable, and you can never be sure of what he’ll do next. Despite his irritating nature, he is a great little brother!

Michelle in AL said...

Hi Holly's daughter, Your writing is excellent! Not only could I picture your brother, I felt like I knew him. I especially enjoyed the part about him flipping from the armchair to the beanbag; I know boys like this and envisioning it brought a smile to my face. He's lucky to have a sister that appreciates his wiggly, eccentric qualities!
Very well done!